Friday, May 14, 2010

It’s all coming together…

I am having so much fun combining many of my passions. I’m mommy to two beautiful babies! When I can steal away a few minutes of free time here and there my creative juices are flowing. I have spent lots of time this week studying many of the Etsy designers. I call them designers because they are individuals making wonderfully creative handmade items. I hope it’s legal to try to recreate some of their creations because I can’t wait to try some out.

I love buying handmade items such as those found on Etsy for many reasons. I would rather give my money to the person I know spent time creating the object of my desire rather than paying a big box store that mass produces items, wastes tons of energy and contributes to the environmental problems. Some might debate that it’s better to spend money at the big box stores especially during these hard economic times. My retort would be that most of the items Americans purchase are made outside of the US. Why not build the economy by giving the money to those who are earning it right here in the United States? That’s not to say that all of the designers are from the US. I love seeing the fresh perspectives coming straight from individuals around the world.

I am just getting started, but I feel great about what’s ahead. I love designing and dreaming up new creations. I found a local designer that recycles her fabric scraps rather than throwing it in landfills. The match could not be more perfect since she is beginning to use more organic fabrics! I have a beautiful stock of fabric to begin my handmade creations. Once my supplies arrive next week I will share with you a few of the things I’ve been working on.

I want to give a special thanks to the wonderful patterns from Etsy’s own Snazziedrawers to Joy’s creative inspiration at, and to the local designer, Janay at for showering me with oodles of enjoyable fabrics.

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